Monday, April 6, 2009


I absolutely love when the weather changes and we can spend more time outside! It's amazing to me how we can all do our own seperate things, yet still feel as if we are spending time together. ryann likes to chase butterflies and pick flowers, while joshua can usually be found on his bike, riding all over the backyard. it's the perfect time for me to weed the flower beds, and to plan out new beds in my mind, which usually translates into~creating work in real life~lol. and more often than not, my fun-loving, get-it-done husband is found washing his truck. Which, I have to admit, for some unknown reason, makes me so angry that I could scream!!! I really don't understand it. We're all doing, basically, exactly what we want to be doing, but it drives me crazy when he washes the truck. And let me explain, it's not one of our personal vehicles, it's his Explorer for work. His BLACK Explorer. Do you know how many times it needs washing? It's ridiculous! He washes it on average...once a week. By hand! With our water! God, I can just see the bill going higher and higher. Not to mention our other vehicles, and can anyone tell me the last time MY car was washed? No takers? Yeah, me either! lol So anyway, the last time I said something about it, he politely snapped "What does it matter? I'm doing what I want to do! I'm not bothering you!" Which, I must say, made a lot of sense (ughh, I hate when he's right!). Why does it bother us so much when others are not doing what WE think they should be doing? So, another lesson learned. Amazing. Just relax.and.stop.being.CONTROLLING. You can't control it all. And why would you want to? That's the beauty of it. The kids are playing in the yard, and at some point you have a moment to take a picture, one that makes you smile when you see it. Because you know that, when the day is over and everyone is inside, you still had a great day...together.

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